Sell Your Reservation or Appointment |
48.2k people traded 43.5k listings for HK$0 within the last year. |
Why is there a fee for ach?
I know this is a scam! Haven’t been able to widthraw any funds it’s been 3 months.
New addition of the "Sell Through Rating"
I noticed that also today. Which is funny since they’re getting paid 30% anyway for basically just data entry to add the reservation in hopes that it sells. But you’re right, it’s a little discouraging.
AT Classes
Depending on what you are looking to learn. I offer a free 20 min consultation to talk about your goals and expectations with this site.
Account Limits & Recovery
This is great. Holding sellers accountable and ensuring trust in the system will help grow and create more referrals and word of mouth advertising.
I see a lot of adjustments that the sellers will be making in the weeks and months. However, are you going to address the unethical practices by buyers on this site?
One issue in particular is that there are an overwhelming number of accounts being created on a daily basis, so much so that its come to the obvious conclusion that many of these bids are being put on the site by the restaurants themselves to ensnare sellers.
Other issues are buyers purchasing listings with 4 people and showing up with 2 or vice versa and then when they cant be sat, they cry foul and blurt out the fact that they purchased this reservation and should be sat(which immediately blackballs the seller and their Resy account, which cancels all future reservations) or come back on here and demand a refund because the restaurant didn't honor the reservation.
A lot of these issues can hurt a seller's reputation on here which affect the demand for said reservations.
Curious to hear any thoughts you have.
Prepaid Reservations
Hey @EmpiricalStomach63, thank you for the question!
I answered another question regarding prepaid resis here:
AT will add a category for prepaid reservations which will let you set the value of what you have prepaid which will then create a 'bid premium' + equity value of your reservation. At the moment it is all-in.
You can upload the reservation and set the asking price in a way that will satisfy your entire expense.
Hope this helps!
When & How Do I get paid?
In most cases your money will be available instantly in your AppointmentTrader account. Press the Button 'Show Card Number' and you'll see a credit card number in your name which you can use instantly to access your earnings.
Build a $100k career online in the AT Money Network
Hey Everyone,
Business has been good – after starting literally from zero a bit over a year and a half ago users on AppointmentTrader turned >$2m in the last 12 months in gross volume and by virtue of us being a marketplace of course the vast majority of completed transaction proceeds have been paid out to platform sellers.
I have personally hired and managed hundreds of employees in the past 20 years and had some outstanding team members.
However: Out of a larger team there were usually a few superstars who carried the rest of the group and I had to wonder how to keep the stars motivated and get the rest of the team excited to do better.
My teams implemented bonus structures, thrown many company parties, rolled out incentive programs – you name it, we’ve done it.
Yet – I have never seen such a uniformly hardworking team as on AppointmentTrader, even though we have absolutely zero traditional management structures in our company and are only guiding users by metrics and rule-based status increases.
After having run AppointmentTrader for a while I realized that if a system is democratic and transparent to any participant on how to make a living and being able to set their own work pace, there is no need to motivate employees – people motivate them selves as they clearly understand the relationship between their time input and the resulting output.
Since I started noticing this, I wrecked my head about why not all functions in a company can be filled just like sellers fill bids on AppointmentTrader.
As I started thinking about this issue early enough, this led me to build the company in a way that we do not have a single traditional employee that gets paid in a two week cycle.
I have been trailing the model with select contributors in the past year, before pouring it into tech – which is now happening:
We will realize the first fully automated management structure for a large team and are now continually rolling out a process that will allow users to onboard to AppointmentTrader Corporate in their own time and at their own pace.
Whether you are great at customer communication, coding, marketing, legal, strategy or only god knows what else, you will be able to start ‘filling’ corporate contracts on AT, and build your reputation within the system solely by delivering on tasks posted on AppointmentTrader.
By design there will be no way for stakeholders to select any one contributor but only to select a qualification, also you will not be able to communicate with the stakeholder of the project, thus forcing the stakeholder to clearly define an achievable task and for you to try your very best to deliver the requested result, a community committee rates and approves your work, so as long as you are within the parameters of the project you will be paid – keep in mind however, if the stakeholder doesn’t like your result you won’t receive a professional upvote from them, which slows you down in your ascension to larger contracts.
All specialized knowledge can be obtained using out own certification program which will then give you access to bigger contracts.
The goal is for anyone to be able to use their proprietary skillset to their absolute maximum and make a career six or seven (who knows, maybe 8???)-figure/year career without having to go through politics but just by delivering results.
Please – do let me know what you guys think, I will be posting whenever we release a new vertical.
Finally, we are calling this the Money Network as I truly believe that the invention of money and the consequential motivation of humans, is the reason that humans are now winged and can talk to their loved ones from the Australian outback to London City in an real time.