Process after bid is accepted. - Kung Tak Lam Shanghai Vegetarian Cuisine - Buy Reservations
Getting a Reservation at Kung Tak Lam Shanghai Vegetarian Cuisine for Today or Tomorrow is Easy!
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's Best Restaurants that are most frequently booked by customers of Kung Tak Lam Shanghai Vegetarian Cuisine
Process after bid is accepted.
By 👻 @EvocativeFold67, 09/17/2021 11:11 pm
I have a notice stating that my bid has been accepted and is awaiting transfer. The reservation is for the 18th, but the “moderator” said he will confirm booking by the 28th. Is this an indicator that I may not have a reservation?
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Answer from 🥷🏻 @ColorfulRod45 (09/18/2021 1:07 am)
Hey @EvocativeFold67, welcome to appointmenttrader! Once the reservation is in your portfolio, you definitely own the timeslot, the review team would not have approved the trade if the reservation wasn't confirmed - so you are going :-) Judging from your post you bid today and are going tomorrow - don't worry as long as you initiated the name transfer, you are good - the transfer service has to work with the opening hours of the reservation team of the respective venue. You will likely see the transfer confirmation a couple hours before your reservation time.
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By 👻 @EvocativeFold67 (09/18/2021 1:12 am)
By 🥷🏻 @ColorfulRod45 (09/18/2021 1:20 am)